Winter is still gripping the Southern Indiana region, but inside our warm home we are planning for the growing season which will be upon us in a few short weeks. The eggs that go into our I.P.A. Bites (Incredible. Pupper. Appetizers.)® come from a flock of 37+ chickens who lay when they like (we do not pressure our birds to lay by offering supplemental light in the darker months). This being said, we find that we need to make more chickens from time to time so that we have a flock of laying hens who will produce these yummy eggs. What to do? In enters the rooster to "do what roosters do" and we incubate chicks every year. This year we've discovered that a pair of ducks which were purchased earlier in 2019 have had success and we are preparing for our first duckling hatch on the farm! You can stay up on all the hatchings on our farm by visiting Facebook at Purple Shamrock Farm. While you're there, be sure to drop us a line!
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